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Routine Optimization for writing every day

Every time I’m inspired to take on a writing project, whether it’s “write X amount of words a day,” “pitch X publications a week,” or “write every single day,” especially that last one, I talk myself out of it.

I’ve done those things- at different times, for extended periods too, based on what I had to do or wanted to achieve. I’ve frequently relied on the permanence and continuity of numbers and crossing things off my to-do list to Get Shit Done.

There are a few things I’m proud of:

  • built a regular exercise routine,
  • made waking up early a habit,
  • chose rest over and over,
  • and peut-être the best thing I’ve ever done for myself, created a daily meditation habit.

I’ve written a bunch about meditation and its benefits (53.2% of the writing community be like me too bitch, you aint special). However, Meditation Misconceptions is the only piece that can be found online.

Not familiar with, or sold on meditation *yet*? This piece by Mark Manson is simple, concise, and *will* make you want to give it a try at least.

I gave it a try and it changed my life, or if that’s too woo-woo for you, it positively affected my life.

Many people have shared their belief that writing (and publishing) something new every day can be very beneficial.

The benefits of the practice

Austin Kleon is a writer/creator I recently discovered, whose work I’m completely IN LOVE with already. He has me believing writing every day will positively affect my life. This is from his article Something small, every day:

Every day, no matter what, I make a poem and post it online. Most days they’re mediocre, some days they’re great, and some days they’re awful. (Jerry Garcia: “You go diving for pearls every night but sometimes you end up with clams.”)

But it doesn’t matter to me whether the day’s poem was good or not, what matters is that it got done. I did the work. I didn’t break the chain. If I have a shitty day, I go to sleep and know that tomorrow I get to take another whack at it.

I’ve mentioned Facebook’s “Done is better than perfect” motto to a lot of people. Yet as a creative, even though the concept, in theory, sounds #wordstoliveby-ish, I struggle with implementing the concept.

How I created a daily meditation habit

Routine Optimization for writing every day meditation insight timer lao tzu

I posted this a while back, captioning it “practicing non-attachment, but I can’t say I’m not feeling proud.” 

Insight Timer is my meditation practice facilitator.The app isn’t an easy way out per se, but I’d be lying if I said accountability and being notified of new milestones, and stars (that come in different colors!!!), haven’t been tremendously helpful and motivating. Why would I want to break that streak?! Non-attachment who?

So I’ll take inspiration from my practice facilitator app. “Tricking” my mind the same way about writing for the world, every day. Accountability yo!

Day 1: check ✓

Update [28/05/2020]

Early bird gets the worm: Monday reflection on routine optimization

Let’s cook gnocchi and pass out on the couch by 9 PM! However, I’ve pledged to “write every day no matter what, so here goes.

Something I noticed is that when I meditate first thing in the morning and get my writing done early, I have such a peaceful day without having to worry whether I’ll get the time, or make the time, or if I’ll have to lie to my meditation tracking app once again. Shhhh.

Lesson of the day/week: do it early.

If you do it early, you’re more likely to do it well.

Don’t doubt yourself.

Keep finding joy in the little things and the big things and all the things. You’re doing amazing, sweetie.

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