My email address is
You can send comments and/or feedback to that address, as well as media inquiries. You can write me in Albanian or English.
I like getting email. Feel free to send me email.
I welcome blog topic ideas, but can’t promise I will cover the topic(s) you suggest in a timely fashion.
If you’re a b0t, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, message me.
The best way to keep in touch with me is by subscribing to my Sunday newsletter or following me on Instagram. We’re all busy and the online world is so big. I’m grateful you found your way to my corner of the internet, and you liked it enough to wonder about ways to connect with me.
I’ve included some frequently asked questions and their answers below.
- Who are you again?
- What do you do?
- What does The Inner Dolphin mean?
- I really don’t like your writing and I have to let you know!
- I’m trying to pursue a creative career, but I keep procrastinating.
- I’m trying to pursue a creative career too, but I’m scared to share my work with the world.
- How can I build a regular writing routine too?
This is my happy face when I get exciting inquiries, questions, or thoughtful feedback.
Looking forward to hearing from you!