Read this first.
The odds of my coffee spilling on the laptop are 50/50. Even though it’s impossible that it just falls, it might. Yesterday we decluttered the house, celebrated with pizza and lots of wine in tiny glasses. I worked out when I got home, it was awesome, and I later reflected on how I never really regret a workout. It’s 8 AM, and someone is launching fireworks.
It’s bittersweet reading what I was grateful for years ago: some are no longer even part of my life, but others make me feel I’ve found my constants. Oh, and my friend has been a vegetarian for years now! :’)
- Celebrated my friend’s mother birthday
- My best friend noticed I was angry when there had been no visible signs whatsoever for her to find out
- My cat has finally started “chilling” at his little house/cat tent, which happens to be in my room
- The chance to work out with my mom!
- Farmers’ markets, sometimes I overthink going or not, but I never regret doing it. It’s like workouts that way
- How comfortable/myself I feel in “fancy” clothes
- The psychiatric clinic I’m working in
- Coffee, for real
- Hot showers during cold winter months
- Gifts from people you love
- My dad getting “angry” at me for eating (what was left of) the brownies I made and not leaving him any, a.k.a he loved them *yay*
- discovering effortlessness secret #55: wear a dark chambray on top of anything and look great. Just like that!
- Alcohol, to be more precise, the way alcohol brings people together. I didn’t get to experience this because my grandpa went to sleep and I drank rakija alone, watching Despicable Me, eating roasted potatoes, oh yeah, but I felt grateful for when I do get to drink with others
- How supportive my mom is of my workouts: every time she sees my working out she says such nice things, it’s so motivating!
- Brussels sprouts, I tried them for the first time with mushrooms & avocado, they’re like small cabbages *awww*
- My country’s Liberation Day!
- Friends’ episodes, they put me in such a good mood. Except Phoebe though, Phoebe sucks!
- I got to spend the entire day (and the day after that!) with my love
- for how good I looked in those velvety leggings
- for how happy some people get when they dance
- my friend mentioned really liking my photography skills!
- that my brother’s flight went alright (it rhymes!)
- my best friend had a great time yesterday
- for choices, the fact that we make lots of them means we get a lot of chances to make the right ones
- my father’s flight going alright (all the (f)lights)
- that it’s officially December: Christmas’ spirit, the red colors, the decorations, the lights, the city, the people!
- Dr. Rajagopal Raghunathan’s Coursera course on happiness, seriously!
- photos, how pretty they turn out with my new phone and how wonderfully they capture moments… I think I’d imagine photos as proof of magic if I were a kid (like kids need proof for that…)
- the weather… So damn sunny omg
- Today, here I am, sitting on my couch writing these: after my workout! I’m grateful for Fitness Blender, Kelli & Daniel are so great and it’s actually always a pleasure working out “with” them
- One of my best friends has been vegetarian for some weeks now, I feel so proud and happy for her
- How easy it’s become for me to turn any morning in a good morning (sometimes coffee’s all it takes)
- also, my best friend, my beautiful inside out mother who I can’t wait to hang out with, my truly talented driven partner, my cat even though he pays no attention to me whatsoever, my bro and dad and may the force (what?) be with those oh-so-great guys in Israel
Amazing to be gratefull for all we love and what we’re. Thanks 🙂
You’re the best 🙂