It’s so easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and forget about others, our hobbies, and anything unrelated to school, or work, or the daily routine.
A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there.
Especially real, healthy, nourishing relationships.
How relationships are formed
When I was younger, I used to think relationships (not limited to romantic ones, obviously) just happened. You went out with a person a few times, shared similar views, had fun, and that was it.
But, relationships are hard work. Everyone’s trying to make sense out of it all, and you can fall out without even realizing it. It’s no one’s fault, it’s just life.
Here’s what I (try to) do:
- Let them know when I’m thinking of them- a song, a photo, and many other things remind me of my loved ones, and I like telling them
- Reach out often- You never know what someone might be going through until you talk to them. I try to reach out and do so often (without risking my own mental wellbeing)
- Have them know I’ll be there for them when they need me, even though I’m not there all the time
- Keep at it- Consistency is key in all kinds of ventures, relationships included
How to live longer
Research has shown that social connection is a leading factor in the promotion of health, wellbeing, and it increases life expectancy.
The 30-year study considers a poor social life as dangerous as smoking, obesity, and excessive alcohol consumption.
Today, I got to spend a few hours with family and almost-family. We shared stories from our past, some dating back decades ago. A family friend I share a birth date with is one of the funniest people I know (I know what you’re thinking, it runs in the date, apparently), and she cracked me up.
Who knew that besides having a great time, I was also increasing my life expectancy!