Somewhere between your best friend’s blog and your local psychology magazine, The Inner Dolphin is a 10-year-old publication exploring careers, psychology, creativity, and Albanian culture. Dive into 100+ articles, all designed to be both simple and informative 🤿

The writer
I’m Delfina Hoxha. My name means dolphin in Albanian, I live in Vienna, and I write.
Since getting over the fear of sharing publicly in 2015, I’ve published hundreds of articles, reached over 20,000 people in 100 countries, and have had 4 strangers come up to me irl to tell me they love my writing. I still can’t believe this.
Highlighted ideas
How to (not) set goals
You know when you’re on a road trip, and uncomfortable pants, or car sickness, or a burning desire to pee is keeping you from enjoying the conversation and the journey, but you think to yourself, “We’re almost there, I might as well wait”?
What do we do when everything’s fucked?
Sometimes things go terribly wrong. Talking about Albania with a friend quickly turns into an existential dilemma.
Why people care more about Kendall Jenner than the world’s youngest astronaut
Making a case that everyone needs to take Introduction to Psychology and Introduction to Marketing classes.

What you’ve said
This is one of those articles nobody knew to ask for, but we all needed to hear. And best of it we needed to hear not just your perspective and idealism but also the science behind it, the facts. Needless to say, this improved my day and helped me get back to my idealism that the world is a good place. It has been tough to do that lately with the news and TV always blasting the worst. Thanks for doing this for free, just writing, putting in the time, work, and research.
you’ve managed to eloquently yet subtly put into words such a complex matter which obviously shows how good at your job you are lol. loved reading this one
what a skill you have to make valuable information so easy to digest. your story telling is captivating and mindful. a true gift. thank you for sharing with us.
Felt kinda enlightening to read this at this point of my life. As simple as it sounds never thought about it before. Thank you. Really like the way you think/write
I’m going through a breakup after a 3 year relationship and I find your articles really helpful. all the words that are harsh to listen but its what you really need to hear. I love your perspective on things, can’t wait to read more from you
It’s almost 3am, I have a fucking massive headache, an exam at 11am, my anxiety is through the roof and here I am reading all your articles from the first one. And it’s doing wonders for my anxiety.
Let me fangirl a bit on Delfina here and tell you all that she is an amazing writer, her innerdolphin website is my life mantra. I have referenced her in many of my presentations… I find myself wondering on many occasions “how would Delfina phrase this”.
I laughed so hard tears were flowing.
One of my favorite writers. You’re one of my besties in my head. Not gon lie
I wanna kiss your brain
my favorite writer in the whole wide world!!! – my mom
Living abroad away from my high school friends gave me a bittersweet feeling while reading this. The kind of bittersweet that warms you from the inside, the kind that you didn’t know you needed to feel. Thank you for giving me a smile and a tear tonight, Delfina!
pse s’shkruan ndonje gje shqip? – my dad
Psychology and Behavioral Research
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